Operating Agreement Template Florida

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Operating Agreement Template Florida

Printable | Editable Form

Operating Agreement Template Florida (1)
[Name of Member 1]
[Member 1’s ID]
[Member 1’s Address]
[Member 1’s Phone]
[Member 1’s Email]
[Name of Member 2]
[Member 2’s ID]
[Member 2’s Address]
This Operating Agreement outlines the guidelines for managing the limited liability company (LLC) formed in the State of Florida as of [Formation Date].
Article 1: Formation
The Members hereby form a Limited Liability Company pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida.
Article 2: Name and Principal Place of Business
The name of the Company is [LLC Name]. The principal office of the Company shall be located at [Business Address].
Article 3: Purpose
The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which limited liability companies may be organized in the State of Florida.
Article 4: Member Contributions
Each Member shall contribute capital to the Company as follows: [Specify contributions].
Article 5: Management
The Company shall be managed by its Members. Each Member shall have equal voting rights and each vote shall carry equal weight.
Article 6: Distributions
Distributions shall be made to the Members at such times and in such amounts as determined by the Members, proportionate to their respective ownership interests.
Article 7: Indemnification
The Company shall indemnify any Member against any loss, expense, or damage incurred in connection with the Company, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Article 8: Amendments
This Agreement may be amended only by a written agreement signed by all Members.
Article 9: Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.
Executed in [City], [Date].
[Signature of Member 1]
[Name of Member 1]
[Signature of Member 2]
[Name of Member 2]
Operating Agreement Template Florida (2)
[Name of Member 1]
[Member 1’s ID]
[Member 1’s Address]
[Member 1’s Phone]
[Member 1’s Email]
[Name of Member 2]
[Member 2’s ID]
[Member 2’s Address]
This operating agreement sets forth the operating procedures for the LLC formed on [Formation Date] under Florida law.
Section 1: Name of the Company
The name of the Company is [LLC Name], and its principal office is located at [Business Address].
Section 2: Purpose of the Company
The Company is organized for the purpose of [Describe purpose].
Section 3: Member Contributions
Initial capital contributions shall be contributed by each Member, as outlined: [Specify amounts].
Section 4: Management and Voting
Management shall be vested in the Members, and decisions shall be made by majority vote unless otherwise stated herein.
Section 5: Profit and Loss Distribution
Profits and losses will be allocated to the Members in accordance with their respective contributions to the capital of the Company.
Section 6: Indemnification of Members
Members shall be indemnified for all acts conducted on behalf of the Company, as allowed by Florida law.
Section 7: Modifications
Any changes to this Agreement shall be made in writing and signed by all Members to be enforceable.
Section 8: Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida.
Signed in [City], [Date].
[Signature of Member 1]
[Name of Member 1]
[Signature of Member 2]
[Name of Member 2]


Please complete the form below to create the Operating Agreement Template for Florida. All fields must be filled out to ensure a clear and complete agreement. We provide examples to guide you through each step.

Operating Agreement Template for Florida

1. Company Information

2. Member Information

3. Ownership Structure

4. Management Structure

5. Voting Rights

6. Profit and Loss Allocation

7. Distributions

8. Amendment Procedures

9. Dissolution Conditions

10. Miscellaneous Provisions

11. Signatures and Acceptance

12. Declaration and Signatures




Operating Agreement Template Florida

Printable | Editable Form

Operating Agreement Template Florida